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Look down for the long, funny headline

megaphoneThe original headline said: "Friends, we hear you and we know that the body-text font size in the new design is too small and it will be fixed very soon (tmatt said, writing this in a headline so that the text will be large enough for all of you to read, wink, wink)." I removed it to make the "recent posts" feature shorter, etc. etc. So now we begin the text of the post with: OK, OK.

Please consider this an open thread for further comments and advice on the new GetReligion design. Leave your comments here and, if you wish, repeat comments that you have sent us in private emails.

Almost all of you have been very positive about the new look and we thank you. It is here to stay.

We also hope, with the new logo, to have a CafePress shop up for GetReligion swag and, who knows, maybe other stuff in the future. Look CafePress over and tell us what you'd like. No, readers on the left, we will not consider a GetReligion thong. An official line of M.Z. Hemingway baby items is another matter.

So let us know what you think about the new look, but be kind. And you can also let us know people that you want us to interview with the 5Q+1 feature.

We're listening. Honest.

P.S. Yes, I know that the tops of the letters in the font in the monster headline on this post are touching the letters on the line of text above them. But hey, I broke every headline rule in the book to write that monster. We don't write two line heads. Things will be fine.

So there.